Tax Collector

You may access a copy of your tax bill at the link below, however you will not be able to pay online after April 1st.

January 1st- April 1st

Taxes may be paid by check, e-check online or credit card (MasterCard, Visa, Discover, and American Express). If paid by credit card there is a 2.75% convenience fee on payment amount; e-check online fee is $2.50.

If paying by check, please make the check payable to:

Town of Dix Tax Collector

 Phone:  607-535-7973 Ext. 201                     Fax: 607-535-2590
Tax Collector - Naomi Kingsley

Deputy Tax Collector - Rebekah Brown

Office Hours: Monday - 1pm to 4pm

Tuesday, Wednesday - 8:30 am to 12:00 pm       

Thursdays - 1pm to 5pm

After April 1st all outstanding taxes and second installments 

should be sent to the Schuyler County Treasurer's Office.